To the attention of our valued customers .....
2016 - 2017 Season Anzer honey and Anzer Polen products are sold out .. New season Anzer Honey will be sold after next August ...
Our customers who want to order the new season by calling our contact numbers or can place their orders via email .. Ordering in advance will be easier in terms of product purchase ...
We have an amount of Anzer Pollen for the time being. Our products are still limited .. However, Propolis and royal jelly sales continue ... Our products are domestic royal jelly and propolis ..
On the internet, we see that individuals who are not closely related to our Anzer village and our Anzer Honey cooperatives are marketing anzer honey.
Do not forget that our cooperative HACETTEPE UNIVERSITY INDIVIDUAL PERSONAL ANZER honey does not do the analysis .. Anzer Honey is authorized to sell our cooperative ...