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Anzer Ballıköyü Cooperative

09 December 2016

To the attention of our customers who demand Anzer Honey ... We have  250 gr of Anzer Honey  coming from HACETTEPE UNIVERSITY .

The last batch of products that we have sent to the test will be sent to our  ANZER COOPERATIVE by HACETTEPE UNIVERSITY until Friday (17.12.2016) next week  .

For now, 100 gr, 200 gr and 400 gr Anzer pollen, royal jelly and propolis can be ordered through our website.

The orders of our customers who place orders through our site will be sent after the products arrive from the Assay ...

Note: ANZER ANZER'LI NON ANZER BALLI VILLAGE ANZER  honey is not related to the sale of some of the Anzer honey market, we see that they say Anzer honey  HACETTEPE UNIVERSITY INDIVIDUAL PERSONS ANZER BALI BAHLAMIZI BERAHAMLER We do not sell it. We strongly advise them not to buy honey ... If they buy Anzer Honey, they should not forget that they buy fake Anzer Honey ....

Sincerely ....


Have you seen our detailed video about the laboratory tests of honeys?
Prepared by  T-Soft E-Commerce.