% 100 Orginal Anzer Honey

Limited Liability Anzer Honey Coopertive Products
Limited liability Anzer Ballıköy agricultural development cooperative is set up for the purpose of protect and keep it in current standard of our precious and well-known Anzer honey which once it production
pleteau known as Anzer pleteau but now with a new name as Anzer Ballıköy where is in ikizdere district of Rize by our local folks (beekeepers). Marketing and selling rights of all of the products of Anzer
(honey,pollen, etc.) are blong to our cooperative. Don’t accredit any other institution, establishment and intermedia.
pleteau known as Anzer pleteau but now with a new name as Anzer Ballıköy where is in ikizdere district of Rize by our local folks (beekeepers). Marketing and selling rights of all of the products of Anzer
(honey,pollen, etc.) are blong to our cooperative. Don’t accredit any other institution, establishment and intermedia.

The Center of our coopertaive is in the headquarters of Rize province. The partenrs of our cooperatives are the people of our village and the beekeepers of Anzer. Beekeepers of The Anzer honey which is the most tend to being imitated in the worldwide, usually start to harvest the honey and deliever to our filling center in early august. Our cooperative members bring the honey to our office and with at least 3 or 4 people from cooperative members and also a food engineer and scientist then very little amount of Anzer honey are taken from 250 gr glass jar and numbered. The 250 gr Anzer honey sample is sent to the Hacettep University faculty of science and department of biology to analysis. 3 pieces of honey jars are recorded by the people in charge and the rest of the honey is labelled as 3 pieces, then 1 piece of honey jar send to producer the second one pour into the honey can and the last one stays in the cooperative filling center. The honey received to us sealed and stored to our storage unit which is secured with alarms. And in the honey, pollen,mositure,sugar,glucose and sucrose assays are performed, then the conformity of Anzer honey is notified to our cooperative with an official letter.

We work in the form of direct supply. We also have lots of criminal complaints for the individual people or establishments about imitating our products with a total different products. We have criminal cases filed against them.
The necessery things for a honey to become Anzer honey ;
• products must to be produce in Anzer (ballıköy village) pleteau.
• Their analyzes must to be made by Hacettepe University.
• The analyzes must to be performed by through our cooperative.
• Anzer honey must content endemic anzer pleteau flowers and flora.
• Anzer honey must not consist of arboreal plants. There aren’t any kinds of arboreal plants in Anzer pleteau.
• Endemic flowers of Anzer are determined only in the laboratory of Hacettepe University.
• In the neighboring villages of Anzer have arboreal plants diversity is rich and this is the most important features that distinguish our pleteau from other pleteaus.
• If there are blackberries, blueberries, plums, pears, apples, chives, rosehip, pine, chesnut, linden and black accacia etc. pollens or samples presence in Anzer honey it is a proof that it is not the real original anzer honey. Those kind of plants are not presence in our Anzer honey. Except Anzer pleteau, all of the pleteaus of Rize have those kind of plants and flowers.
• Their analyzes must to be made by Hacettepe University.
• The analyzes must to be performed by through our cooperative.
• Anzer honey must content endemic anzer pleteau flowers and flora.
• Anzer honey must not consist of arboreal plants. There aren’t any kinds of arboreal plants in Anzer pleteau.
• Endemic flowers of Anzer are determined only in the laboratory of Hacettepe University.
• In the neighboring villages of Anzer have arboreal plants diversity is rich and this is the most important features that distinguish our pleteau from other pleteaus.
• If there are blackberries, blueberries, plums, pears, apples, chives, rosehip, pine, chesnut, linden and black accacia etc. pollens or samples presence in Anzer honey it is a proof that it is not the real original anzer honey. Those kind of plants are not presence in our Anzer honey. Except Anzer pleteau, all of the pleteaus of Rize have those kind of plants and flowers.
Tag: genuine anzer honey, real anzer honey, cooperative anzer honey, anzer honey cooperative, anzer ballikoyu cooperative, anzer honey cooperative,