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Anzer Honey and Anzer Pollen It is Produced only in Anzer Plateau.

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Forest vegetation is observed below the altitude of Anzer plateau1800 altitude. in fact, it is seen that the natural structure is different due to the fact that there are forests and shrubs in the nearby villages as mountain village adjacent to the anzer plateau.

In the content of Anzer honey, there should be no forest and thicket plants. The flora structure of Anzer honey should be composed entirely of herbaceous plants and endemic flowers .. This structure is unique to Anzer plateauAnzer plateau altitude is a cold, smoky, foggy highland including high summers.

In this sense, Anzer honey is not always available due to the low production of Anzer honey and the high demand. the so-called Anzer honey known as an awake and fraud that knows the opportunity of the plateau village near Anzer plateau honeys or other balls honey market as anzer honey.

Our villagers who saw this, to protect the producer and consumers to reach safer, quality honey united by COOPERATIFICATION .

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In our village we have made the production ANZERstarts the SS ANZER HONEY VILLAGE 1 NOLAN AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT SOCIETY ANZER BALI, ANZER HONEY ANZER Pollen SALES AND MARKETING AS consumers to convey the true anzer honey and pollen and to protect crooks Brand registered, labeled, sealed, Warranty bantıl and will be assayed shape in confidence We are delivering

We do the marketing Anzer honey and pollen are sealed, labeled, Warranty band, Assays li d.

Tag: anzer honey, anzer bali, anzer honey, anzer honey cooperative, anzer honey cooperative, anzer honey cooperative, anzer ballliköy, anzer bali koop, anzer honey pollen, anzerbali

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